Experienced welding engineering personnel endeavour to provide economic solutions to industrial fabrication or welding issues. Our consulting services are aimed at generating productivity, quality and safety improvements. All aspects of fabrication and welding operations from initial feasibility studies through to final inspection can be supported.

We aim to ensure that fabrication and welding operations are managed and controlled with the minimum of unplanned events. We have considerable experience of fast-track projects where welding activities have to be co-ordinated to meet strict project schedules. Project requirements can be rapidly assessed and all necessary control procedures, weld procedure and welder qualification requirements prepared and co-ordinated.

All aspects of fabrication and welding operations are managed by Chartered Welding Engineers qualified to European Welding Engineer and International Welding Engineer status.

The case studies page provides an outline of previous assignments.

Consulting services terms and conditions page.

Consulting services include:

Auditing main contractor and sub contractor quality systems to establish conformity with BS EN ISO 3834 or other related specifications.

Auditing of sub contractors capabilities, facilities, resources and systems can be completed prior to contract award to determine suitability.

Capital Expenditure Justifications, technical evaluations together with a financial analysis of the options available can be prepared for any proposed equipment procurement and installation.

Diversification into alternative industrial sectors, companies tend to operate within a single industrial sector or specialise in providing a certain product, product range or client. This strategy can create lead to continuity problems and can result in excess capacity.

Alternative industrial sectors that could be supplied together with potential entry barriers can be identified.

An audit and review of existing capabilities, facilities, resources and systems is completed. Improvements necessary to facilitate market entry are identified and proposals presented. Improvements to existing capabilities, resources and systems are prepared, introduced and implemented to facilitate market entry. More>>

Document Reviews of all quality procedures and technical reports can be completed to confirm suitability for particular applications or compliance with project specifications including: heat treatment procedures, method statements, non destructive examination procedures, quality plans, quality procedures, weld procedures and welder qualification certification. More>>

Economic Evaluations of current fabrication and welding costs can be completed and compared with proposed alternatives.

Estimating of fabrication and welding costs from bills of materials and drawings can be prepared.

European and International Welding Engineer Availability certain projects may require engineers qualified to European and International Welding Engineer status. Chartered Welding Engineers qualified to European Welding Engineer and International Welding Engineer status are available enabling businesses to comply with project requirements.

Fabrication Specifications can be prepared or reviewed to establish the necessary controls, sequencing and scheduling have been addressed.

Failure Analysis of components and welded connections can be evaluated to assess the cause of failure. Design proposals can be provided to prevent a failure recurring. The optimum repair methods can be assessed and proposals prepared.

FEED Study development and support for construction, fabrication and welding operations can be provided.

Heat Treatment can be prepared or reviewed to establish specification compliance.

ISO 3834 Compliance (Comprehensive) assessment can be completed to establish conformity or identify any shortfalls in existing welding quality systems. BS EN ISO 3834 identifies three quality levels Part 2 (comprehensive), Part 3 (basic) and Part 4 (elementary). Companies are advised the most suitable quality category for their operations, all the requirements can be provided to enable businesses to comply with the applicable BS EN ISO 3834 quality category.

Material Performance and Selection reports can be prepared for service in industrial processing environments.

Material Specifications can be prepared or reviewed to establish specification compliance.

Material Weldability evaluations can be completed using full scale pipeline and structural materials. All aspects of weldability trials can be co-ordinated including welding, non destructive examination, corrosion testing, mechanical testing and compiling final detailed certification records.

Mechanical and Corrosion Testing is available in conjunction with the UKAS accredited laboratory MIS. More>>

Metallurgical support for construction, fabrication and welding operations can be provided.

Method Statements can be prepared or reviewed to establish specification compliance.

Mentoring can be used to ensure that production personnel understand the need for weld procedures to be adhered to. An experienced engineer works with production personnel and supervisors to explain and demonstrate weld procedure requirements. The reasons for preheating, weld parameter and other restrictions are identified and assistance with implementation is completed. In addition to this mentoring can be tailored to specific applications, this can include assistance with the introduction of specific welding processes or alternative production operations.

Pipeline Welding operations can be supported from initial tender stages through to final inspection activities. Pipeline weld procedures can be prepared and qualified to ensure compliance with project specifications. We are experienced in welding process and consumables selection for pipeline construction. This experience includes: cellulosic, low hydrogen, and low hydrogen vertical down consumables and mechanised FCAW and narrow gap automatic welding processes.

Productivity Issues an audit of the existing processes can be completed to identify inefficient practices found in existing fabrication and welding operations. Investigate existing layouts, consumables, diagnose parameters and processes to ensure optimum productivity. Simplified layouts, workflows & manufacturing operations can be developed and introduced. Automated or mechanised welding processes can be developed and introduced to optimise productivity, profitability, repeatability and quality.

Post Weld Heat Treatment can be prepared or reviewed to establish whether the applicable requirements for particular applications are included.

Repair Welding Analysis can be completed to propose the optimum repair method. All aspects of repair welding can be managed and co-ordinated including initial failure analysis, procedure development, heat treatment, method statements through to final inspection.

Responsible Welding Co-ordination certain projects may require a named authorised Welding Co-ordinator or a European Welding Engineer. Chartered Welding Engineers qualified to European Welding Engineer and International Welding Engineer status are available enabling businesses to comply with project requirements.

Robotic Welding training courses are available in conjunction with WWA . More>>

Quality Problems can be analysed and investigated to locate the causes and provide recommendations.

Supplier Selection & Development can be completed prior to contract award to determine suitability. An audit and review of suppliers existing capabilities, resources and systems is completed and analysed for potential or ongoing suitability. Improvements necessary to bring suppliers in line with the supply chain requirements are identified and proposals presented.

Suppliers can be developed by identifying areas where improvements to supplier controls, reporting, systems and quality targets could be introduced and implemented in line with supply chain requirements.

Technical Support at meetings can be arranged to provide technical representation regarding fabrication or welding issues.

Training courses are available including metallurgy, fabrication, inspection, non destructive examination and welding technology. More>>

Weld Defect Analysis can be completed to locate the cause of weld defects and provide proposals to eliminate occurrences.

Weld Design drawings of existing or new components can be reviewed to establish improvements resulting in reduced manufacturing costs. Feasibility studies and prototype designs can be evaluated to establish the most economic fabrication and joining processes. Design for manufacture strategies can be implemented.

Weld Failure Investigations can be completed to locate the cause of failure and provide proposals to minimise the risk of a future occurrence.

Weld Procedure Development can be completed to improve operating parameters, process conditions, productivity or final mechanical properties for specific applications. An audit of existing processes can be completed to identify inefficient practices and provide operating solutions. Alternative consumables, processes, parameters and weld procedures can be introduced to increase productivity, quality and safety.

Weld Procedure Qualification completed in accordance with any American, European or International standards including: API 1104, AWS DI.I, ASME IX, ANSI B31.1, ANSI B31.3, BNFL Spec.Tech.A.0339_1, BS 1140, BS 4515, BS EN ISO 14555, BS EN ISO 15614-1 & DNV OS F101.

Weld procedures can be completed in conjunction with a Notified Body to confirm compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) if required. More>>

Weld Procedures can be prepared or reviewed to verify code or specification compliance. More>>

Welder Qualifications completed in accordance with any American, European or International standards including: API 1104, AWS DI.I, ASME IX, ANSI B31.1, ANSI B31.3, BNFL Spec.Tech.A.0339_1, BS 4515, BS 4872, BS EN 287-1, BS EN 1418, ISO 14732 and DNV OS F101.

Welder qualifications can be completed in conjunction with a Notified Body to confirm compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) if required.

Assistance with welder qualification certification prolongation and associated updates can be provided. More>>

Welder Qualification Certificates can be prepared or reviewed to verify code or specification compliance.

Welding Consumable Selection & Evaluation can be completed to ensure that the optimum welding consumables for the application have been selected. Alternative higher productivity consumables may be proposed to provide increased productivity and quality improvements.

Welding Engineering services from initial tender review, procedure qualification through to final inspection are available to support businesses in complying with project specifications.

A technical review of specifications and designs can be completed at enquiry stage to identify potential fabrication or welding issues. Attendance at meetings can be arranged to provide technical representation regarding fabrication or welding issues.

Feasibility studies can be completed to review existing welding and fabrication methods and recommend alternative solutions aimed at improving productivity, quality and safety.

In addition full technical support is provided regarding weld joint design, weld consumable and weld process selection. Weld procedures and welders can be developed and qualified for welding all ferrous and non ferrous materials.

Welding Parameters can be reviewed to ensure that the optimum welding conditions are being applied. Alternative higher productivity welding parameters may be developed leading to improvements in profitability, repeatability, quality and safety.

Calibrated portable arc monitors (PAMS) and operators to record and verify weld procedure or production welding parameters on site are available.

Welding Procedure Packages can be prepared or reviewed to establish specification compliance.

Welding Process Selection & Evaluation can be completed to ensure that the optimum welding process for the application has been selected. Alternative higher productivity welding processes may be developed leading to improvements in profitability, repeatability, quality and safety.

Welding Engineering Solutions